Thursday, September 17, 2009

new blog in town ;)

Ei bine, veste mare : s-a nascut un nou blog .

Well, today I found out a big news : a NEW blog was born.

Profesionist ! 9 talente s-au unit intr-un singur loc si au pus lumea pe foc : fiecare dintre  membre ofera un give-away ( cadou) cu conditia sa respectati cele 3 puncte cerute de ele . Merita sa le faceti o vizita ! si de ce nu ? sa va inscrieti la cadouri pina pe data de 30 septembrie. Hai, fuga ! :))

Very professionally! 9 talented wemen joined together in a blog and put the world on fire : each of them is having a give-away, untill 30 of September, with the condition to complete the 3 steps required .
It worth to make a visit first on the main blog then on each artist's blog... and why not ? to fill in for those magnificent give-aways. Comme-on, hurry ! :))

Si pentru ca tot ce am vazut azi pe blogurile mentionate mai sus, mi-a stirnit pofta de broderie, iata ce s-a "intimplat " in atelierul meu :

And because of all that I see in those before mentioned blogs awake in me the desire for some stitcheries, this is what "happened" in my studio today :

 ....trebuie sa recunosc ca sunt cam departe de maiestria celor vazute...dar practica nu strica niciodata, nu-i asa ?
...I must admit that I'm far away from what artistic stitcheries I saw today...but you know that practice doesn't hurt anyone, isn't ? LOL.

Si uite asa, cineva se va bucura miine de un cadou nou....ce frumos e sa faci cadouri !
And like this, someone will be very happy tomorrow with a new nice is to make gifts to people !



  1. This Dresden plate is just gorgeous! Is it very big? I love the stiching in the middle. Very very lovely.

  2. Si acest Dresden plate arata frumos, dar ce am primit azi de la tine este si mai frumoasa :) Multumesc mult de tot :)



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